Some of the games I’ve made for clients or for learning!
🎮 MegaByte: A quick platformer where you answer coding questions. Made for a Triplebyte marketing effort
🎮 Wing It - Online: Online version of the card-game "Wing It Beyond" for the game studio Flying Leap Games
🎮 Articulus: A sandbox physics game where you connect rediculous machines together
🎮 Infinite world web physics game: Messing around with 3D WebGL, car physics, and infinite world generation
🎮 WarmVector: Shooting bad guys, randomly generated levels, destructable terrain. Created with my own 2D Java game engine
🎮 Arc Dodger: Colorful arcs are comin', and they're comin' strong! This one’s addicting...
🎮 MineSweeper: Minesweeper game, built in React/TypeScript
🎮 Asteroids: Shoot those asteroids
🎮 Boingo Bug: Flappy bird but worse
🎮 Hit-Block-Die: Dodge those red things!